Warwickshire, UK

Just by using the word simple doesnt mean it really is simple! But in principle the 3 steps to good SEO are simple.

1) Identify keyword phrases

2) Create content

3) Acquire backlinks / generate social engagement

Wow!  How simple is that?  Is SEO really this simple?

The Truth About SEO

Long ago, way back in a small town in Mexico lived a yound boy called Antonio-SEO.  He loved to play with words and the internet.  But what he didn’t know back then was that his words were being used by computers to reference things people search for.  Of ccourse this is made up.  SEO is made up but we have to call how searching the internet and how some websites are found and not others.  In fact it is not just websites that are found .  It is images and PDF’s too! Something will be found if you search for something!

What business owners want to be found for is the products and services they sell.  And they want to sell their products and services to the people searching for them.  But not everyone or ‘bot’ is searching to buy!!! There is no intention to buy!  The only intention is to sell.  Sell, SEO or sell ads that generate traffic. 

However it is explained the simplicity of search intent and the options for generating good traffic to websites the digital landscape continues to evolve.  Many years ago simple text searches were replaced by voice searches. With the advancing AI technology simple signle word searches have been replaced with ‘predictive search intent questions.  Followed by conversations with chat bots that move consumers towards a purchase.  SEO will be replaced with

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